Young Investigator Award


Open to researchers under the age of 40 at the time of the conference closing ceremony.

First (primary) author of the submitted abstract.

Application Process:

Abstract Submission: Submit your abstract for consideration during the designated submission period announced by ACKSSOC.

YIA Registration: Apply for the YIA program within the abstract submission deadline. All YIA applications must be submitted in English.

Selection Process:


The top three scorers in the final round will be awarded:

1st Place: $500 cash prize

2nd Place: $400 cash prize

3rd Place: $300 cash prize

Important Note: The prize money allocation may be subject to change based on the number of YIA applicants.

Additional Information:

Be sure to carefully review the abstract submission guidelines and registration deadlines set by ACKSSOC.

We encourage early application to ensure your eligibility for the YIA program.